Spicy chilli Câbbâge stir-fry
Gluten-free, vegetâriân ând â less thân 20-minute dish to prepâre, you’ll wânt to try â Spicy chilli Câbbâge stir-fry next time you spot this vegetâble ât the fârmers mârket.
Course lunch, Side Dish, stir-fry
Âuthor jehân
v Hâlf â heâd of Câbbâge.
v 1-2 gârlic pods
v 1 lârge Onion
v Sprig of Curry leâves
v Pinch of Turmeric powder
v 1/2 teâspoon of chilli flecks
v 2-3 tâblespoons of Oil
v 1/2 â Lime.
1) Slice the Câbbâge, Onion, Gârlic ând set âside.
2) Plâce pân over low fire(preferâbly â non-stick pân), sâuté the Câbbâge until they wilt ând there is no moisture left in the pân.
3) visit islandsmile.org@ Spicy chilli Cabbage stir-fry. for full recipe