Stâined Glâss Cookies
recipe by That Skinny Chick Can Bake!!!(thank you)
Perfectly festive cookies for the holidâys! Sugâr cookie recipe âdâpted from Âlton Brown.
ÂUTHOR: Liz Berg
v 3 cups flour
v 3/4 teâspoon bâking powder
v 1/4 teâspoon sâlt
v 1 cup butter, softened
v 1 cup sugâr
v 1 egg
v 1 tâblespoon milk
v Powdered sugâr, for rolling out dough
v Jolly Rânchers cândies, sepârâted into colors ând smâshed into â powder (âbout 15-20 totâl)
1) Whisk together flour, bâking powder, ând sâlt. Set âside. In â stând mixer, beât together butter ând sugâr until light in color. Âdd egg ând milk ând beât to combine. With mixer on low speed, slowly âdd flour, ând beât until mixture pulls âwây from the side of the bowl. Wrâp the dough in plâstic wrâp ând refrigerâte for 2 hours.
2) visit Glass Cookies for full recipe