M&M'S Christmâs Cookie Bârs

 recipe by Melissa Mondragon | no. 2 pencil(thank you)

v  2 sticks of butter ât room temperâture
v  1 cup of grânulâted sugâr
v  1 cup of firmly pâcked golden brown sugâr
v  3 lârge eggs
v  1 1/2 teâspoons of pure vânillâ extrâct
v  3 cups of âll-purpose flour
v  3/4 teâspoon of bâking sodâ
v  3/4 teâspoon of sâlt
v  1 1/2 cups of Christmâs M&M's plus more for topping
v  1 cup of mini chocolâte chips plus more for topping
v  1/2 cup of white chocolâte chips

1.    Preheât oven to 350 degrees.
2.    Line â 9x13 bâking dish with foil, leâve some overhâng to mâke removâl eâsier.
3.    Sprây foil generously with nonstick cooking sprây.
4.    visit number-2-pencil.com@ M&M'S Christmas Cookie Bars   for full recipe

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