the best ever Chocolate Ganache Tart
the best ever Chocolate Ganache Tart
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the best ever Chocolate Ganache Tart |
on this episode of keep calm and bake I'm going to show you how to make a simple chocolate ganache tart it's really easy to make and everybody always loves it and start off with some flour this is plain flour and pop that into the bowl and then I've got some icing sugar so this is to make sure the pastry is nice and sweet and I've got some plain unsalted butter here so this is an all butter pastry which means it tastes really delicious it also means it's quite easy to handle so what I'm going to do is make this into bread crumbs and you do that by rubbing the mixture in so use your thumb and your fingers to sort of push the butter through the flour and icing sugar mixture so I've rubbed all the butter into the
icing sugar and the flour and you can see there I've got a really great bread crumb like consistency which means it's ready to bind it now I use an egg to buy this pastry and I don't mix it up before I put it in I just tend to crack them straight in and then I use a blunt knife to break the yolk and then mix up a little bit and then literally just stir it around and you'll see the pastry start to come together in clumps now it might seem like it's not going to come together but it will just have to be a bit patient and the reason I'm using a knife and not my hands is because my hands going to be warm and warmth is the enemy of pastry pastry likes to be cold and it likes to be lazy so we're going to give it a rest in the fridge after this stage now I'm going to get my hands in now just for that last bit I'm just going to pull it together using the palm of my hand and it should leave a completely clean bowl at the end of it almost there right there we go so grab some cling film what you want to do is make it into a kind of a squashed circle that is a perfect circle and I will operative clean feel make sure that none of the pastries exposed to the air and the fridge that will go really hard and there you go so my pastry has been chilling for 30 minutes now so I am going to put a little bit of plain flour on my work surface here this is just to stop it from sticking when I roll it out I will place this onto the top here bit more flour over the top and what I've got here is a loose bottom to tin this is important because it means you can get your chocolate ganache tart out much more easily okay so I'm just going to use my hand just to make sure that the flowers all over the top because I don't want my rolling pin to stick now when you're rolling pastry it's important not to do this okay because if you do that what you do is you're kind of stretching the pastry and you're overworking which means that the gluten starts to seize up and it makes the pastry tough okay so I'll show you what you do instead is you start off you go one way okay and another trick is use the weight of your body as you're pushing down I'm going to turn it again I'm just going to the same here it's about three to four millimeters this pastry
I call it my most well-behaved pastry because I've never had it stick on me yet so let's hope that doesn't happen today so the way to transfer it I find easiest is to put your two hands underneath and keep them palm up and then literally just drag it across give it as much as you can into the tin and what I mean by that is push it down and make sure that it's got enough pastry that's going all the way down into the corners how do you trim the top of pastry this is the easiest way to do it take the rolling pin and just take it all the way across the top this gives you a really nice crisp edge to take these
all away and then pop your thumbs into the pastry case and just push up because obviously this might have pushed the pastry down with it so it might what you want to do is push it so that it just pops above the tin like this I'm going to give it another chill just because it means the pastry is less likely to shrink in the oven and it will also taste that little bit better because it will have to want to relax take the pastry out of the fridge put grease proof paper in and your baking beans straight into the oven for 15 minutes and then take it out and bake without another 10 ish minutes until it's nice and golden brown so the pastry case is baked I'm going to
now boil the double cream so pop it onto the heat all you're doing here is just waiting until you start to get bubbles you're scolding the cream don't let it bubble up and boil over
because if you do that your ganache will be a bit grainy that's not the end of the world I wouldn't throw it away I'll still use it but it probably won't look as good once it's in the pastry case this cream now is doesn't go up steam coming off but it's starting to get a few bubbles right at the edge of the pan that's great I'm going to take it off the heat I've got some butter here then I've also got the chocolate which is milk and dark chocolate reasonably finely chopped just because that means and it will melt more quickly just take a regular spoon and stir it until it ourselves as it melts it will become one complete colour this dessert is great for if you are having a grand dinner or we're having a party you should leave it on the side you can even make in terms of tiny cases if you wanted to don't have to do one big tart so you can see here that is completely the same color make sure there are no globs sitting at the bottom hiding final stage is to pour it into the pastry case so I'm literally just going to he could reasonably loads you don't want to splatter the ganache everywhere
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the best ever Chocolate Ganache Tart |
INGREDIENTS:250 g Plain Flour 50 g Icing Sugar 120 g Butter 1 Large Egg 300 ml Double Cream 50 g Salted Butter, Cubed 100 g Dark Chocolate, Finely Chopped 150 g Milk Chocolate, Finely Chopped STEP 1: MAKE PASTRY Make the pastry by rubbing the butter into the flour and icing sugar (use hands/food processor or KitchenAid on speed 1/2 using flat beater) until you have a breadcrumb like consistency. Then bind together with the egg using either a blunt knife or the flat beater at speed 1 on the KitchenAid. Once you have clumps of pastry pulling together, use your hands to gather into a ball. Wrap in clingfilm and chill in the fridge for 30 minutes. STEP 2: PREPARE PASTRY Roll the pastry to a thickness of about 3mm and line a 23cm loose bottomed tart tin with it. (I move the pastry by laying both hands under the pastry with palms upwards and fingers spread wide.) Make sure the pastry is pushed into the corners, then run the rolling pin over the top of the tart tin to trim the pastry edges. Line the pastry with greaseproof paper and fill with baking beans/uncooked rice or pulses. Bake in a preheated 180C/Gas 4 oven for 15 minutes then remove the beans and paper and bake until lightly golden brown and baked through. Remove from the oven and allow to cool but leave in the tin. STEP 3: MAKE GANACHE Make the ganache by boiling the cream in a small saucepan until just boiling. Do not allow to boil for long or the ganache will be grainy. Then add the butter and chocolate and stir until completely smooth. Pour into your blind baked pastry case and leave to set, either on the side at room temperature overnight for a soft set. Or in the fridge which is a lot faster and achieves a hard set. If you use the fridge method the tart will lose a little of its shine though taste not compromised.