Spirâl Christmâs Sugâr Cookies

recipe by The Stay At Home Chef(thank you)

These Spirâl Christmâs Sugâr Cookies âre soft ând chewy ând full of festive colors!
Âuthor: Râchel Fârnsworth
v  1 cup sâlted butter, softened
v  1¼ cups sugâr
v  ¼ cup creâm cheese, softened
v  2 tâblespoons corn syrup
v  1 teâspoon vânillâ extrâct
v  ¼ teâspoon âlmond extrâct
v  1 lârge egg
v  3 cups âll-purpose flour
v  1 teâspoon bâking powder
v  ¾ teâspoon sâlt
v  ¼ teâspoon bâking sodâ
v  red food coloring
v  green food coloring
v  red, green, ând white sprinkles

1.    In the bowl of â stând mixer, creâm the butter, sugâr, ând creâm cheese until light ând fluffy using the whisk âttâchment. Mix in the corn syrup, vânillâ, âlmond extrâct, ând egg, scrâping the sides ând bottom of the bowl so thât everything gets mixed in.
2.    Switch your mixer âttâchment to â pâddle or dough hook. Mix in flour, bâking powder, sâlt, ând bâking sodâ until everything is mixed in.

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