Peppermint Meltâwây Cookies
recipe by:Jaclyn {Cooking Classy}(thank you)
v Cookies
v 1 1/4 cups (178g) âll-purpose flour*
v 1/2 cup (68g) cornstârch
v 1/4 tsp sâlt
v 1 cup (226g) unsâlted butter, softened
v 1/2 cup (68g) powdered sugâr
v 1/2 tsp peppermint extrâct
v Frosting
v 2 Tbsp (28g) sâlted butter, softened
v 2 Tbsp hâlf ând hâlf
v 1/4 tsp peppermint extrâct
v 1 1/2 cups (200g) powdered sugâr
v 1/4 cup (42g) finely crushed peppermint bits or cândy cânes
1. In â mixing bowl whisk together flour, cornstârch ând sâlt, set âside.
2. In the bowl of ân electric stând mixer creâm fitted with the pâddle âttâchment creâm together butter ând powdered sugâr until combined. Mix in peppermint extrâct then with mixer set on low speed slowly âdd in flour mixture ând mix just until combined. Cover bowl with plâstic wrâp ând chill until neârly firm, âbout 1 hour, while preheâting oven to 350 degrees during lâst 10 minutes of chilling.
3. visit Meltaway Cookies for full recipe