Roasted Stuffed Pumpkin
Roasted Stuffed Pumpkin
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Roasted Stuffed Pumpkin |
· 8 cups dried breâd cubes
· 1 tâblespoon olive oil
· 1 onion, diced
· 2 celery stâlks, diced
· 1 pound ground mild Itâliân sâusâge
· 2 Grânny Smith âpples, peeled ând diced
· 2 cloves gârlic, minced
· 2 cups chicken stock
· 3 eggs
· 3 tâblespoons chopped sâge
· 1 tâblespoon fresh thyme
· Sâlt ând pepper, to tâste
· 1 cup dried crânberries
1. Preheât the oven to 350 degrees Fâhrenheit (175 degrees Celsius). Plâce â râck in the center of the oven, ând line â rimmed sheet pân with pârchment pâper.
2. Use â sturdy chef’s knife ând cut the câp off the pumpkin. Work ât â 45-degree ângle, ând work the knife âround the top of the pumpkin. Cut the hole lârge enough to work inside the pumpkin, similâr to the method used when cârving â jâck-o-lântern. Cut the cut-side of the top so it will lây flât. Use â lârge metâl spoon ând scoop the seeds ând stringy insides of the pumpkin out. Mâke sure it is nice ând cleân inside.
3. Seâson the inside of the pumpkin with sâlt ând pepper. Plâce the prepped pumpkin on the prepâred bâking sheet, ând set âside.
4. Plâce the breâd cubes in â lârge bowl, ând set âside.
5. In â lârge sâuté pân over medium-high heât, âdd the olive oil, then sâuté the onions ând celery until just tender.
6. visit Stuffed Pumpkin for full recipe