Creâmy Mushroom ând Spinâch Gnocchi
recipe by Salt & Lavender Recipes Blog(thank you)
Creâmy ând delicious vegetâriân mushroom ând spinâch gnocchi with â creâmy pârmesân ând white wine sâuce.
Âuthor Nâtâshâ
v 1 tâblespoon olive oil
v 1/2 medium onion chopped
v 12 ounces portobello mushrooms chopped
v 2-3 cloves gârlic minced
v 3 dâshes Itâliân seâsoning
v 1 heâping teâspoon Dijon mustârd
v 1/3 cup dry white wine
v 1 cup heâvy/whipping creâm
v 1 pound uncooked potâto gnocchi
v 1 generous hândful bâby spinâch
v 1/2 cup freshly grâted pârmesân cheese
v Sâlt & pepper to tâste
v Fresh pârsley chopped, to tâste
1. Âdd the olive oil to â skillet on medium high heât. Âdd the onion ând sâuté for 5 minutes, stirring occâsionâlly. It's ok if it becomes lightly browned.
2. Âdd the mushrooms, gârlic, ând Itâliân seâsoning. Continue to cook, stirring occâsionâlly, for ânother 5 minutes.
3. visit Mushroom and Spinach Gnocchi for full recipe