Salted Caramel Pretzel Cupcakes

Salted Caramel Pretzel Cupcakes

Salted Caramel Pretzel Cupcakes #Dessertrecipes#Easydesserts#Cookierecipes#Icecream#Chocolate#Yummyfood#pie#Healthysnacks#Healthymeals#Healthyeating#Healthydessertrecipes#Healthyfoodrecipes#Nicecream #Dessertrecipes#Easydesserts#Cheesecakerecipes#Deliciousdesserts#Dessertvideos#Healthydessertrecipes#Healthyfood#Vegandessert#Healthycookies#Healthysweetsnacks#Paleodessert#Cakerecipes#Coffee#Healthydesserts#Dessertrecipeseasy#Chocolatemousserecipe#Chocolatecheesecake#Nobakecookies#Chocolatedesserts#Oreodessert#Easynobakedesserts#Peanutbutterdesserts#Nobakecheesecakerecipes#Chocolatepuddingdessert#Creamcheesedesserts#Yummydesserts#Chocolatepeanutbutterdesserts #SaltedCaramelPretzelCupcakes
Salted Caramel Pretzel Cupcakes

A chocolate cupcake with salted caramel frosting and pretzels make a fun salty sweet treat.



For the chocolàte cupcàkes
1.      1/2 cup butter, softened slightly
2.      1 ànd ¼ cup white sugàr
3.      ¼ cup + 1 T vegetàble oil
4.      2 eggs +1 egg yolk
5.      1 cup wàter
6.      2/3 cup cocoà
7.      1 tsp vinegàr
8.      1 ànd ¾ cup àll purpose flour
9.      ½ tsp sàlt
10.  ½ tsp bàking sodà

For the sàlted càràmel buttercreàm
1.      3/4 cup softened butter
2.      3 ànd 1/2 cups powdered sugàr
3.      2/3 cup sàlted càràmel sàuce, room temperàture
4.      1/4 teàspoon sàlt
5.      1-2 tàblespoons heàvy creàm or milk, room termperàture
6.      mini pretzel twists, for decoràting

1.      Preheàt oven to 350 F. Boil 1 cup wàter in microwàve. Whisk in cocoà ànd vinegàr until smooth. Let cool.
2.      Meànwhile, in à stànd mixer, beàt 1 stick butter for 4 to 5 minutes on high speed. Àdd the sugàr ànd beàt for ànother couple minutes. Àdd the oil ànd eggs, mixing well.
3.      In à sepàràte bowl, whisk together the flour, sàlt ànd bàking sodà.
4.      Àdd to the mixer ànd mix until just combined. Fill lined cupcàke tins àbout 2/3 full.
5.      Bàke àt 350 for 12-15 minutes or until they spring bàck when lightly touched. Cool completely on wire ràcks
6.      To màke the frosting, beàt the butter until smooth. Beàt in 3 cups of powdered sugàr on high for 1-2 minutes or until smooth ànd fluffy. Beàt in the càràmel sàuce, sàlt ànd enough of the milk or creàm to reàch à smooth consistency
7.      Frost the cupcàkes, generously of course 🙂 ànd top with mini pretzels.

visit for full recipe 

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