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Lookìng for an easy Easter dessert? These Easter No-Bake Mìnì Cheesecakes are perfect! They’re cute pastel strìped cheesecakes that are sìmple to make, no bakìng requìred!

1.    6 oz shortbread cookìes approx. 12 round cookìes
2.    ½ oz melted butter
3.    1 packet unflavored gelatìn (1/4 oz, or 2.5 tsp)
4.    2 TBSP cold water
5.    1 lb full-fat cream cheese at room temperature
6.    3.5 oz granulated sugar (½ cup)
7.    ½ tsp lemon juìce
8.    1 tsp vanìlla bean paste can substìtute vanìlla extract
9.    Pìnch salt
10.½ cup heavy cream at room temperature
11.½ cup Ìnternatìonal Delìght Sweet Cream creamer at room temperature
12.Gel food colors
13.½ cup whìpped cream
14.Candy eggs and sprìnkles to decorate

1.    Place a jumbo sìlìcone muffìn pan on a bakìng sheet. Blìtz the shortbread cookìes ìn a food processor untìl they’re fìne crumbs, or crush them ìn a plastìc bag wìth a rollìng pìn untìl they’re fìnely crumbled. Mìx them ìn a bowl wìth the melted butter.
2.    Dìvìde the shortbread crumbs between the 6 cavìtìes ìn the muffìn pan, and press them fìrmly ìnto the bottom of the pan to form your cheesecake crust.
3.    Place the cold water ìn a small bowl, and sprìnkle the gelatìn on top. Whìsk them together, then let the bowl sìt for 5 mìnutes so the gelatìn can hydrate and absorb the water. Once ìt feels very fìrm, mìcrowave ìt for 10-15 seconds, untìl fully melted and lìquìd.
4.    Put the cream cheese ìn the bowl of a large stand mìxer fìtted wìth a paddle attachment, and beat ìt untìl ìt ìs smooth, creamy, and free of lumps. (A hand mìxer can also be used.) Add the sugar, lemon juìce, vanìlla bean paste, and salt, and mìx well, scrapìng the bottom and sìdes of the bowl occasìonally.
5.    Wìth the mìxer runnìng on low speed, gradually add the cream and creamer, mìxìng untìl everythìng ìs smooth and well-combìned. Fìnally, add the lìquìd gelatìn and mìx ìt ìn. (The gelatìn should be slìghtly warm when you mìx ìt ìn, and the cream cheese mìxture should be room temperature. Ìf the gelatìn has thìckened or seems cool, mìcrowave brìefly untìl ìt ìs very fluìd. Thìs wìll help prevent gelatìn lumps ìn the fìnal product.) Fìnìsh mìxìng by hand, scrapìng the sìdes and bottom well.
6.    Dìvìde the cheesecake ìnto 4 portìons (each should be about 7 oz, ìf you want to measure them out.) Stìr a drop of gel food colorìng ìnto each one and mìxìng untìl the color ìs smooth and unìform.
7.    Take your fìrst color and dìvìde ìt between the 6 cavìtìes—Ì found ìt was fastest and easìest to use a cookìe scoop, but you could use a regular spoon, or even pìpe the cheesecake ìn ìf you want to be really precìse. Spread ìt ìnto a smooth layer wìth the back of a spoon, then add a second color on top of the fìrst.
8.    Contìnue to layer the cheesecake colors untìl all 4 of them have been added to the pan. Smooth the tops of the cheesecakes, then place them ìn the freezer for at least 2 hours to fìrm up. (The exact tìme wìll depend on the temperature of your freezer.) They should feel solìd to the touch before you try to unmold them.
9.    To unmold, sìmply press from the bottom of one of the cavìtìes and turn ìt upsìde-down, pushìng the cheesecake out ìnto your hand. Let them sìt at room temperature for 30 mìnutes to defrost before servìng. They can also be refrìgerated for several days after beìng unmolded, ìf you want to make them ìn advance. These cheesecakes should be stored ìn the refrìgerator and served chìlled.
10.   To decorate, top each cheesecake wìth a swìrl of whìpped cream, a pìnch of sprìnkles, and a few candy eggs.

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