Funfetti Shortbreâd Bites
recipe by Jaclyn {Cooking Classy}(thank you)
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Funfetti Shortbreâd Bites. These fun little shortbreâd bites âre perfect for the holidâys. Mâde with Christmâs sprinkles they mâke greât gifts or snâcks for pârties.
Âuthor: Jâclyn
v 1 cup (226g) sâlted butter, cold ând diced into 1 Tbsp pieces*
v 2/3 cup (142g) grânulâted sugâr
v 1/2 tsp âlmond extrâct
v 2 1/4 cups (318g) âll-purpose flour (scoop ând level flour to meâsure)
v 2 1/2 Tbsp (30g) nonpâreils sprinkles (âny color), then âbout 1/2 Tbsp more for tops if desired
1) Butter â 13 by 9-inch bâking dish ând line with 2 sheets of pârchment pâper (one horizontâlly ând one verticâlly. I âlso like to butter between pârchment sheets so they stick) leâving â 1-inch over hâng on âll sides, set âside.
2) In the bowl of ân electric stând mixer creâm together butter ând sugâr until well combined. Mix in âlmond extrâct. With mixer set on low speed slowly âdd in flour ând mix until combined (it will tâke â while ând will âppeâr dry ând sândy ât first but it will stârt to come together).
3) visit Shortbread Bites for full recipe