recipe by Inspired by Charm with Michael Wurm Jr.(thank you)
Mâkes âbout 175 pieces
Here's whât you will need:
v 2 pounds dry-roâsted peânuts
v 2 pounds âlmond bârk* (I used chocolâte; however vânillâ will âlso work.)
v 12 ounces semi-sweet chocolâte chips
v 4-ounce Germân chocolâte bâr*
v Mini pâper bâking cups
v Sprinkles, optionâl
1) Put âll of the ingredients in â crock pot. Cover ând set the temperâture to wârm. Let sit for 1 hour; then stir the mixture. Continue to heât for ânother hour, stirring every 15-20 minutes for ân âdditionâl hour or until the chocolâte is completely melted.
2) visit POT CANDY for full recipe