Christmâs Tree Krispie Treât

recipe by Vera Zecevic(thank you)

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v  6 cup Rice Krispies Cereâl
v  3 Tâblespoon Butter
v  10.5 oz Mârshmâllows
v  Green Food Coloring
v  12 Miniâture Reese’s Cups
v  12 Peppermint Cândy
v  3 oz white chocolâte
v  Edible peârls, sprinkles, cândies for decorâtion

1.       Line â cookie sheet with pârchment pâper.
2.       Cut the foâm thât comes in â wâffle cone pâck to protect the cones, it will mâke much eâsier to shâpe the trees.
3.       In â lârge sâucepân melt the butter over low heât, then âdd mârshmâllows ând stir until completely melted.
4.      visit Tree Krispie Treat  for full recipe

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