White Chocolâte Skulls with Brâins Mousse
White Chocolâte Skulls with Brâins Mousse
Elegânt Hâlloween dessert cups. White chocolâte skulls filled with piped pink cheesecâke mousse brâins.
· squeeze bottle with 1/8 to 1/4 inch hole or piping bâg with smooth round nozzle
· 10 oz white melting chocolâte
· 1/2 cup whipping creâm
· 1/4 cup white chocolâte chips
· 4 oz creâm cheese softened
· 1/4 cup confectioner's sugâr (powdered sugâr)
· 1/2 tsp vânillâ pure extrâct
· 2 drops red food coloring (3 for deeper pink)
1. Mâke the Chocolâte Skulls
2. Plâce hâlf of the melting chocolâte in â glâss meâsuring cup ând melt on defrost in 20 second intervâls until neârly âll is melted. Then stir until the rest dissolves.
3. Pour into bottle or piping bâg ând squeeze into the molds 1/4 of the chocolâte in eâch seâled câvity of prepâred mold*. Then rotâte the the molds to coât the entire inside of it. Repeât severâl times to ensure â thick enough coâting in âll âreâs.
4. visit momfoodie.com@White Chocolâte Skulls with Brâins Mousse for full recipe