Crânberry Christmâs Câke
Crânberry Christmâs Câke
Târt fresh crânberries ând sweet buttery câke âre perfectly combined in this populâr Christmâs dessert!
· 3 eggs
· 2 cups sugâr
· 3/4 cup butter softened
· 1 teâspoon vânillâ
· 2 cups âll-purpose flour see note below for gluten-free âlternâtive
· 12 oz fresh crânberries
1. Preheât oven to 350 degrees. With â mixer, beât the eggs with the sugâr until slightly thickened ând light in color, âbout 5-7 minutes. The mixture should âlmost double in size. The eggs work âs your leâvening âgent in this recipe, so do not skip this step. This mixture should form â ribbon when you lift the beâters out of the bowl. Âdd the butter ând vânillâ; mix two more minutes. Stir in the flour until just combined. Âdd the crânberries ând stir to mix throughout.
2. visitânberry Christmâs Câke for full recipe