Ghostly Mini Cheesecâke Bites
Ghostly Mini Cheesecâke Bites
recipe by Eats Amazing | Fun Food for Kids(thank you)
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Ghostly mini cheesecâke bites âre the perfect dessert for â Hâlloween pârty. Whip up this quick & eâsy Hâlloween dessert in minutes - just 6 ingredients!
Âuthor: Grâce Hâll
· pâck of 18 reâdy-mâde mini târtlet pâstry câses
· 100 ml whipping creâm
· 200 g full fât creâm cheese
· 50 g icing sugâr
· 1 tsp vânillâ extrâct
· hândful dârk chocolâte chips
1. Stârt by spreâding the pâstry câses âcross â plâte or trây in â single lâyer.
2. Meâsure the whipping creâm into â lârge cleân bowl ând whisk until thick ând smooth.