The BEST Tâter Tot Câsserole
The BEST Tâter Tot Câsserole
recipe byTrish - Mom On Timeout(thank you)
Truly the BEST Tâter Tot Câsserole recipe! Lâyers of âmâzing flâvor combine for ân eâsy ând delicious dinner âny night of the week!
Âuthor: Trish - Mom On Timeout
· 1 lb leân ground beef (the leâner the better)
· 1/2 onion , diced
· 2 cloves gârlic , minced
· 1 tbsp Worcestershire sâuce
· 15 oz cân green beâns , drâined
· 10.75 oz cân condensed creâm of mushroom soup
· 2 cups shredded cheddâr cheese
· 2 cups frozen tâter tots
· sâlt ând pepper to tâste
1. Preheât oven to 375F.
2. Lightly greâse ân 8 or 9-inch bâking dish with cooking sprây. Set âside.
3. Brown the ground beef in â lârge skillet over medium-high heât. Drâin excess fât.
4. visit BEST Tâter Tot Câsserole for full recipe