Chocolâte Covered Strâwberry Ghosts

Chocolâte Covered Strâwberry Ghosts

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These Chocolâte Covered Ghost Strâwberries will be the hit ât your Hâlloween pârty! They're cute ând spooky âll ât the sâme time, ând so simple to mâke.
Âuthor: Jen Nikolâus

·         strâwberries
·         white chocolâte (I used Cândiquik)
·         cândy eyes
·         wâx or pârchment pâper

1.     Melt white chocolâte âs instructed on the pâckâge. Dip strâwberries one ât â time in melted chocolâte, drâgging out some of the chocolâte on the bottom to mâke â ghost "tâil".

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