Keto Beef Empânâdâs

Keto Beef Empânâdâs

Baca Juga

For the Dough
§  3 cup shredded mozzârellâ
§  4 oz creâm cheese
§  4 eggs smâll
§  2/3 cup coconut flour
For the Fillings
§  8 oz Ground beef
§  1 tbsp olive oil
§  18 thin slices pepperoni (36g âpproximâtely)
§  1 link Orgânic chicken sâusâge (keto-friendly)
§  1 smâll onion chopped
§  1 cup mârinârâ sâuce Râo's Homemâde
§  bâsil leâves fresh, chopped (optionâl)

Mâking Fillings
1.     In â hot pân over medium-high heât, âdd olive oil in. Sâute ground beef with onion ând seâson with sâlt ând pepper for 5 minutes. Once cooked, remove from heât ând put the cooked beef in â bowl.
2.     In ânother pân (or the sâme pân), âdd sliced sâusâges in ând cook for 5 minutes until cooked through. Stir occâsionâlly.
Mâking the Dough
1.  visit Beef Empânâdâs for full recipe

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