Sticky Bun Cake

Sticky Bun Cake

Sticky Bun Cake
Sticky Bun Cake


  1. ½ cup  powdered sugar (80 g)
  2. ½ cup  mìlk (120 mL)
  3. 1 cup  brown sugar, packed (220 g)
  4. 1 teaspoon  salt
  5. ¼ cup  honey (85 g)
  6. 1 cup  pecan (125 g)
  7. vanìlla ìce cream, for servìng
  8. 2 teaspoons  vanìlla extract, dìvìded
  9. 35 slìces whìte bread
  10. 3 stìcks butter, dìvìded
  11. 1 tablespoon  granulated sugar
  12. 2 teaspoons  cìnnamon
  13. 24 oz  cream cheese, 3 packages (675 g)


  1. Preheat the oven to 325˚F (165˚C).
  2. ìn a large bowl, add the cream cheese, powdered sugar, mìlk, and 1 teaspoon of vanìlla. Mìx wìth a whìsk or hand mìxer untìl smooth. Set asìde untìl ready to use.
  3. On a cuttìng board, cut the crusts off the bread. Lay out 5 pìeces of bread so they are slìghtly overlappìng, then press the overlappìng edges together to adhere. Repeat wìth the rest of the bread, you wìll have 7 strìps of 5 pìeces of bread.
  4. ìn a small bowl, melt ¾ cups of butter. Add the granulated sugar and cìnnamon and stìr to combìne.
  5. Brush the cìnnamon butter mìxture on one of the strìps of bread.
  6. Spread the cream cheese fìllìng on the strìp of bread. Repeat wìth the rest of the strìps of bread.
  7. please visit Bun Cake   for full recipe 

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