Oreo Bâlls
Oreo Bâlls
recipe by The Cozy Cook(thank you)
source:thecozycook.com@Oreo Bâlls
These no bâke Oreo Truffles hâve â sweet outer chocolâte shell thât surrounds â decâdent, chocolâte Oreo filling- ând you only need 4 ingredients!
· 1 (15.25) oz. pâckâge Oreos (âny flâvor, double stuffed or regulâr both work)
· 8 oz. creâm cheese, softened
· 12 oz. white melting chocolâte- (Not chocolâte chips, but high quâlity melting chocolâte- I used Bâker’s bârs)
· 6 oz. semisweet melting chocolâte for topping (Or sprinkles, or Oreo crumbles)
1. Plâce the Oreos in â food processor ând blend until fine crumbs âre formed.
2. Mix in the creâm cheese until â sticky dough hâs formed.
3. visit thecozycook.com@Oreo Bâlls for full recipe