Jingle Juice Holiday Mocktail
Jingle Juice Holiday Mocktail
recipe by Kami / NoBiggie ( thank you )
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Jingle Juice Holiday Mocktail |
Tis thé séâson for Holidây pârtiés with âll your fâvorité pééps! It’s supér éâsy to mâké â féstivé drink thé wholé fâmily cân énjoy. Évéry yéâr during thé holidâys, I lové to gét togéthér with my HighSchool girlfriénds, ând this Jinglé Juicé holidây mocktâil will bé â hit with thé girls, I just know it! With frésh citrus fruits ând crânbérriés in séâson, you cân mâké this punch, ând not only doés it tâsté âmâzing, but it looks béâutiful too.
· 1 Pinâ Colâdâ Concéntrâté prépâréd
· 1 Lémonâdé Concéntrâté prépâréd
· 1 Orângé Juicé Concéntrâté prépâréd
· 1 - 2 litér Club Sodâ
· 1 bâg pébblé icé
· 1 réd grâpéfruit slicéd
· 1 nâvél orângé slicéd
· 1 lémon slicéd
· 1 limé slicéd
· 3 cinnâmon sticks
· 1 bâg of frésh crânbérriés
- In a large glass serving bowl, add 1/4 of the bag of pebble ice. 1/3 of the Orange Juice, 1/3 of the Pina Colada and 1/3 of the Lemonade.
- Next add 1/3 of the club soda (to give it some fizz). Stir to mix all the flavors together.
- Add a few of the center slices of each fruit into the top of the punch bowl, now add about 1/3 of the bag of cranberries and the cinnamon sticks.
- Serve with a big ladle making sure to include lots ice and fruit for a garnish with each serving.
- You can add in more punch ingredients throughout the night as it's consumed.
- Enjoy!
full recipe>>nobiggie.net@Jingle Juice Holiday Mocktail