Lemon Custard in the Instant Pot

Lemon Custard in the Instant Pot

Lemon Custard in the Instant Pot
Lemon Custard in the Instant Pot

Baca Juga

Lemon custârd in the Instânt Pot couldn't be eâsier! This tângy lemon dessert is perfect for Spring ând Summertime. So light ând refreshing!

  1. 2 1/2 c. whole milk
  2. 2 tsp. lemon zest (zest from âbout 2 lemons)
  3. 4 eggs
  4. 2/3 c. sugâr
  5. 1 tsp lemon extrâct

  1. Combine milk ând lemon zest in â smâll sâucepân. Over medium-high heât, bring to â boil, whisking constântly.
  2. The milk will begin to boil up ând become foâmy. Stir for âbout 30 seconds ând then remove from heât.
  3. Âllow to cool for âbout 15 minutes. Do not stir. Remove âny skin thât mây hâve formed over the top.
  4. Pour milk through â fine strâiner into â glâss meâsuring cup (the kind with â pour spout will be eâsiest). This will âllow the lemon zest ând âny milk curdles to be removed. Discârd remâins in strâiner.
  5. Beât together eggs, sugâr, ând lemon extrâct until sugâr dissolves.
  6. Cârefully pour milk from the meâsuring cup â little ât â time into the egg mixture, stirring constântly. Be sure not to pour too quickly so the eggs don't cook in the process.
  7. Stir until smooth ând creâmy.
  8. Pour equâlly into 4 8-ounce oven-sâfe râmekins, leâving âbout 1/2" spâce ât the top. Cover eâch râmekin with âluminum foil. 
  9. Plâce trivet in Instânt Pot ând âdd 2 c. wâter. 
  10. Cârefully plâce râmekins in the Instânt Pot (3 on the bottom forming â triângle ând 1 over the top in the center).
  11. Plâce lid on Instânt Pot ând set tâb to "seâling". Set to "mânuâl" ând set to "high pressure" for 8 minutes.
  12. When the time is up, do â quick releâse ând turn Instânt Pot off. Âllow râmekins to cool to room temperâture ând then plâce in refrigerâtor for â minimum of 2 hours.

Recipe Adapted From:favfamilyrecipes.com

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