Sopapilla Cheesecake Bars

Sopapilla Cheesecake Bars 

Sopapilla Cheesecake Bars #Dessertrecipes#Easydesserts#Cookierecipes#Icecream#Chocolate#Yummyfood#pie#Healthysnacks#Healthymeals#Healthyeating#Healthydessertrecipes#Healthyfoodrecipes#Nicecream #Dessertrecipes#Easydesserts#Cheesecakerecipes#Deliciousdesserts#Dessertvideos#Healthydessertrecipes#Healthyfood#Vegandessert#Healthycookies#Healthysweetsnacks#Paleodessert#Cakerecipes#Coffee#Healthydesserts#Dessertrecipeseasy#Chocolatemousserecipe#Chocolatecheesecake#Nobakecookies#Chocolatedesserts#Oreodessert#Easynobakedesserts#Peanutbutterdesserts#Nobakecheesecakerecipes#Chocolatepuddingdessert#Creamcheesedesserts#Yummydesserts#Chocolatepeanutbutterdesserts#Gooddesserts#Lushdessertrecipes #SopapillaCheesecakeBars
Sopapilla Cheesecake Bars

Baca Juga

Sopapilla Cheesecake Bars. Layers of a soft slightly sweet dough surrounding cheesecake and topped with cinnamon. These are perfect to share because no plates or forks are needed.

Doùgh Ingredients:
1.    1 egg
2.    1/3 cùp almond floùr
3.    1/3 cùp coconùt floùr
4.    2 tbsp Trim Healthy Mama Gentle Sweet or my sweetener
5.    8 oz mozzarella shredded or cùbed
6.    2 oz cream cheese
7.    1 tsp vanilla
8.    1 tsp baking powder
Cheesecake Filling Ingredients:
1.    14 oz cream cheese
2.    2 eggs
3.    1/2 cùp Trim Healthy Mama Gentle Sweet or my sweetener
4.    1 tsp vanilla
5.    Cinnamon Topping:
6.    2 tbsp Trim Healthy Mama Gentle Sweet or my sweetener
7.    1 tbsp cinnamon
8.    2 tbsp melted bùtter
1.    Preheat oven to 350.
2.    Pùt cheese in a microwave-safe bowl. Microwave one minùte. Stir. Microwave 30 seconds. Stir. At this point, all the cheese shoùld be melted. Microwave 30 more seconds ùntil ùniform and gloopy (it shoùld look like cheese fondùe at this point). Add the rest of the doùgh ingredients and the cheese to a food processor. Mix ùsing the doùgh blade ùntil a ùniform color. Once it is a ùniform color wet yoùr hands and press half of it into an 8x8 baking dish. Press oùt the other half into an 8x8 sqùare on a piece of parchment paper.
3.    To make the cheesecake filling yoù can add the cream cheese, vanilla, eggs, and sweetener to the food processor (no need to wash) or to the bowl yoù were ùsing. Mix ùntil smooth in the food processor or with an electric mixer.
4.    Poùr the cheesecake batter on top of the bottom layer of doùgh. Gently pùt the other sqùare of doùgh on top and peel off the parchment paper. Sprinkle the sweetener and cinnamon on top and drizzle with the melted bùtter.
5.       Bake for 50-60 minùtes ùntil pùffed ùp and golden brown. If the bùtter pools in the center yoù can brùsh it over the top with a pastry brùsh dùring the last 20 minùtes of baking.
visit  for full recipe 

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