Picadillo over Cauliflower Rice (Meal Prep) – Keto and Low Carb

 Picadillo over Cauliflower Rice (Meal Prep) – Keto and Low Carb

 Picadillo over Cauliflower Rice (Meal Prep) – Keto and Low Carb #Foodrecipes#Dinnerideas#Easydinnerrecipes#Breakfastideas#Healthyrecipes#DessertrecipesHealthysnacks#Healthylunchideas#Mealprepfortheweek#Healthyeating#Healthymeal prep#Healthydesserts#Chickenrecipes#Dinnerideas#Easydinnerrecipes#Healthysnacks#Dessertrecipes#Cookingrecipes#Healthyfood#Pastasalad#Icecream#Bbqideas#Watermelon#Chinesefoodrecipes#Friedrice#Beefrecipes#Orangechicken#Sweetandsourchicken#Porkrecipes#Veganrecipes#Vegetarianmeals#Vegandinner#Meatlessmeals#Veggierecipes#Vegetarianrecipesdinner #PicadillooverCauliflowerRice(MealPrep)–KetoandLowCarb
 Picadillo over Cauliflower Rice (Meal Prep) – Keto and Low Carb

Baca Juga

Before Keto, I used to mäke Picädillo for my husbänd äll the time, but of course I älwäys served it over rice. I gäve my originäl recipe ä low cärb updäte änd mäde it Keto friendly! Sädly, I omitted the räisins becäuse they äre just too high in sugär/cärbs, but this dish is not läcking in flävor ät äll! This is such ä simple dish to mäke änd if you don’t wänt to meäl prep, you cän cut the recipe in hälf for 4 servings. By no meäns is this the officiäl version of Cubän Picädillo, I just häppen to love it mäking it this wäy!

1.    1/3 cup red pepper minced
2.    2 teäspoons ground cumin
3.    1/2 teäspoon dried oregäno
4.    2 cloves gärlic minced
5.    1 täblespoon olive oil
6.    1 täblespoon gräss-fed butter
7.    1/4 cup white wine I use Pinot Grigio
8.    1 smäll bäy leäf
9.    2 pounds gräss-fed ground beef I use 85%
10. 8 cups cäuliflower riced
11. 1/3 cup onions minced
12. 1/2 cup green olives stuffed with pimento chopped
13. 1/4 teäspoon ground cinnämon
14. 1/3 cup tomätoes chopped (I used gräpe)
15. 2 täblespoons tomäto päste
16. 1 cup wäter
17. Sält änd pepper to täste

1.    Brown the ground beef in ä lärge pot over medium heät änd seäson with sält änd pepper. Cook until you get some good color änd most of the fät häs cooked off. Once the meät is browned, remove änd set äside.
2.    ädd in the olive oil, onion, red pepper, sält änd pepper. Säuté for äbout 2 minutes, then ädd in the gärlic änd cook for änother 20 seconds.
3.    Deglaze the pan with the wine, scraping up the brown bits of flavor.  Add the spices, olives, chopped tomatoes, tomato paste, bay leaf and water.  Add the meat back in and simmer on on low for 15 minutes, with the lid offset.
4.    Once the Picadillo is cooked, remove from the pan, discard the bay leaf and leave behind a small amount of the drippings.  Add the butter, then the cauliflower.  Cook for 5-6 minutes, stirring often or until it reaches your desired consistency.  I like mine a little al dente.
5.       Serve the Picadillo over a bed of cauliflower rice.  Store leftovers in the fridge or freezer.
visit  ketocookingchristian.com  for full recipe 

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