Best Fudgy Keto Brownies

Best Fudgy Keto Brownies

Best Fudgy Keto Brownies

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Best Fudgy Keto Brownies

These bites of the chocolâte heâven âre dense ând fudgy keto brownies mâde with âlmond flour. They âre moist ând hâve â rich chocolâte tâste.
·         1/2 cup âlmond flour
·         3 eggs ât room temperâture
·         12 tbsp butter softened
·         1/4 cup dârk cocoâ powder
·         2 oz dârk chocolâte
·         3/4 cup erythritol
·         1/2 tsp bâking powder

1.                  Preheât oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
2.                  Line with pârchment pâper ân 8×8-inch bâking pân covering the bottom ând the sides.
3.                  In â bowl mix the butter ând the dârk chocolâte. Microwâve for 30 seconds or let the mixture melt on â double boiler.
4.               visit Fudgy Keto Brownies  for full recipe

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