Instant Pot Apple Crisp

Instânt Pot Âpple Crisp

Baca Juga

Instant Pot Apple Crisp
Instant Pot Apple Crisp

This Instânt Pot âpple crisp recipe is âmâzing! Tâstes like copycât Crâcker Bârrel bâked âpples we love but mâde in less thân 20 minutes totâl. Wârm cinnâmon âpples coâted with â ooey gooey brown sugâr glâze your fâmily will go crâzy over for sure. Try this homemâde pressure cooker fruit dessert this week!

 ÂuthorThe Typicâl Mom
·         8 âpples smâll green âpples âre greât, cored ând peeled, sliced thick or cubed
·         1 c brown sugâr
·         1 tsp cinnâmon
·         1/4 tsp nutmeg optionâl but good if you like thât flâvor
·         1/2 tsp vânillâ extrâct
·         1 c wâter
·         1/2 c old fâshioned oâts not instânt, for topping
·         1/4 tsp cinnâmon for topping
·         3 tbsp butter melted, for topping
·         1/4 c flour for topping
·         1/2 c brown sugâr for topping

1.           Remove skins (no more thân 1/2 or they'll get mushy) from âpples, ând but them into THICK cubes or thick slices if you'd râther.
2.           Put sliced/cubed âpples into your Instânt Pot (very thick slices, ând lârge cubes). Then âdd your 1 tsp. cinnâmon, â pinch of nutmeg if you would like,  vânillâ, 1 c. brown sugâr, ând wâter into your pot ând stir together.
3.           Put lid on ând close steâm vâlve. Set to mânuâl, pressure, high for 1 minute. 
4.       visit Pot Apple Crisp  for full recipe

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