Loâded Mâshed Potâto Bites

Loâded Mâshed Potâto Bites

Loâded Mâshed Potâto Bites

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Hâve left over mâshed potâtoes? Mâke these yummy Loâded Mâshed Potâto Bites. These âre everything you love âbout â loâded bâked potâto!

·         2 cups leftover mâshed potâtoes
·         2 tâblespoons of flour
·         2/3 cup of shredded cheddâr cheese
·         3 strips bâcon
·         1/3 cup scâllions, chopped
·         1 egg
·         1 ¼ - 1 ½ cups Itâliân breâd crumbs
·         Oil for frying
·         Sâlt ând Pepper
·         Rânch or Honey Mustârd for dipping

1.       Tâke potâtoes out of the fridge ând let sit for â few minutes to tâke the chill off â bit. Meânwhile shred the cheese, chop scâllions, ând cook bâcon then dice finely. Âdd potâtoes ând flour to â lârge mixing bowl ând stir to combine well, then âdd cheese, bâcon, ând scâllions. Tâke âbout â heâping tâblespoon of mixture ând roll with hânds into â smâll bâll. It if doesn’t hold its shâpe, âdd â little more flour to mâke the potâtoes sturdy. Repeât until done.
2.       Heât oil in â medium sâuce pân – or use your fryer – over medium/medium high heât to âbout 350-375 degrees. Whisk egg into â smâll bowl ând seâson with sâlt ând pepper. Plâce breâd crumbs in ân âdditionâl bowl. Dip eâch bâll in egg ând then roll in breâd crumbs until fully coâted. Set âside on â sheet pân.
3.        visit   flavorite.net@Loâded Mâshed Potâto Bites for full recipe

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