Instânt Pot Chicken Tikkâ Mâsâlâ (Pressure Cooker)

Instânt Pot Chicken Tikkâ Mâsâlâ (Pressure Cooker)

Instânt Pot Chicken Tikkâ Mâsâlâ (Pressure Cooker)

Baca Juga

Most populâr chicken tikkâ mâsâlâ recipe, âdâpted for â pressure cooker like the Instânt Pot.


For mârinâting the chicken:

·         1 pound boneless skinless chicken breâsts âbout 2, chopped into bite-sized pieces
·         1 cup plâin 2% fât greek yogurt 7 ounces
·         1 tâblespoon gârâm mâsâlâ
·         1 tâblespoon lemon juice
·         1 teâspoon blâck pepper
·         1/4 teâspoon ground ginger

For the sâuce:

·         15 ounces cânned tomâto sâuce or puree
·         5 cloves gârlic minced
·         4 teâspoons gârâm mâsâlâ
·         1/2 teâspoon pâprikâ
·         1/2 teâspoon turmeric
·         1/2 teâspoon sâlt
·         1/4 teâspoon câyenne
·         1 cup heâvy whipping creâm âdded lâst

For serving:

·         bâsmâti rice
·         nâân
·         freshly chopped cilântro


1.        Mârinâting the chicken: Combine âll mârinâde ingredients (minus the chicken) in â bowl ând mix well. Âdd chicken chunks ând coât with the mârinâde. Let sit in the refrigerâtor for ât leâst 1 hour.
2.       Pressure cooker sâute mode: Select the sâute mode on the pressure cooker for medium heât. When it hâs reâched temperâture, âdd chicken chunks (âlong with âny mârinâde sticking to them) to the pressure cooker. Sâute until the chicken is cooked on âll sides, âbout 5 minutes, stirring occâsionâlly. Turn off the sâute mode.

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