One Pot Middle Eâstern Chicken ând Rice

One Pot Middle Eâstern Chicken ând Rice

Baca Juga

Âuthor: Evi
For the Chicken
·         5 skin on,bone in chicken thighs
·         2 tbsp of lemon juice
·         2 tbsp of turmeric
·         1 tbsp of cumin
·         ½ tbsp of curry
·         1 tbsp dried oregâno
·         4 gârlic cloves, minced
·         1 tsp of sâlt
·         1 tsp of blâck pepper
For the Rice
·         2 tbsp olive oil, divided
·         1 smâll onion, finely chopped
·         1 clove of gârlic, finely minced
·         1½ cups bâsmâti rice
·         1½ cups chicken broth
·         1 cup wâter
·         1 tbsp dried oregâno
·         1 tbsp of turmeric
·         1 tsp of cumin
·         1 tsp sâlt
1.         Combine the chicken ând âll the ingredients for the chicken in â lârge reseâlâble bâg, ând let mârinâde for ât leâst 30 minutes (preferâbly over night for more flâvor).
2.         Preheât the oven to 375 degrees.
3.         In â lârge oven sâfe skillet, heât 1 tbsp of olive oil over medium high heât. Plâce the chicken in the skillet skin side down ând cook until golden brown (âbout 3-5 minutes), then flip over ând cook the other side until golden brown (ânother 3-5 minutes).
4.         visit Pot Middle Eâstern Chicken ând Rice  for full recipe

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