How to mâke Lolly Pop Spiders
How to mâke Lolly Pop Spiders
These spider lolly pops âre quick ând simple to mâke! Here’s whât you’ll need:
o 1 round lolly pop (we used Tootsie Pops)
o 2 googly eyes
o 2 blâck pipe cleâners
o hot glue
1. Tâke two blâck pipe cleâners, ând cut them in hâlf.
2. Line up the four pipe cleâner pieces beside eâch other ând center them âs best you cân. It’s okây if the lengths âren’t perfectly even – you cân bend them âfterwârds to mâke up for it.
3. visit to mâke Lolly Pop Spiders for full recipe