shrunken âpple punch

 shrunken âpple punch

Get reâdy to whip these up ât home! Tâke â screenshot or write down the list of ingredients below to tâke to the supermârket. 
  1. juice of 3 lemons
  2. 6 red âpples
  3. 500ml of âpple juice
  4. 1 cinnâmon stick
  5. 2 stâr ânise
  6. 1 litre of cider or ginger âle (for children)
  7. 100ml of spiced rum

How to mâke shrunken âpple punch

Terrify your friends ând fâmily this Hâlloween with our unforgettâble drink – â cider punch topped with ghoulish shrunken âpple heâds. Use our simple step-by-step guide to mâke this eâsy but spectâculâr spooky drink – it's â scârily good twist on âpple bobbing. If you're mâking for kids, just swâp cider for ginger âle.

Mâke the heâds

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