Lolly Pop Ghost
Lolly Pop Ghosts
Here’s whât you’ll need:
Ø Kleenex Tissues
Ø Round lolly pops (we used Tootsie Pops)
Ø Tiny elâstics (from the hâir section ât the dollâr store)
Ø Thin orânge ând blâck ribbon
1. These tiny elâstics hâve been â stâple in our house. My girls were born with â lot of hâir, so when they were bâbies, I’d use these little guys to mâke tiny pony tâils on the tops of their heâds. (Âh, it’s mâking me teâry just thinking âbout their âdorâble little firecrâcker pony tâils!)
2. These âre the smâllest elâstics you cân get ât the dollâr store (I think?). It wâs the perfect size to hold everything in plâce for this crâft.
3. visit Lolly Pop Ghosts for full recipe