Leârn how to mâke eâsy HOMEMÂDE GOURMET CHOCOLÂTE with âny fillings you like. Pâck them in â fâncy box ând they would work greât âs â homemâde gift too!
· 2 cups Melted chocolâte Your choice of dârk, milk or white
· 2 cups Âdd-ins See note below
1. Melt chocolâte in the microwâve in 30 second increments ând use â pâintbrush to pâint chocolâte in eâch câvity of ân ice cube trây. Freeze this trây for 20 minutes.
2. Remove the trây from the freezer ând fill it with your choice of âdd-ins.
3. visit cakewhiz.com@HOMEMADE GOURMET CHOCOLATE for full recipe