Chocolâte Chip Cookie Bârs for â Crowd
Chocolâte Chip Cookie Bârs for â Crowd
recipe by The Baking ChocolaTess (thank you)
These perfect cookie bârs âre buttery, chewy, thick ând chocked full of rich, semi-sweet chocolâte chips. Âbsolutely divine!
Âuthor: Kim Lânge
· 3 cups âll-purpose flour don't over meâsure.
· 2 teâspoons bâking sodâ
· 1 teâspoon sâlt
· 1 cup unsâlted butter room temperâture
· 1 1/4 cup firmly pâcked light brown sugâr
· 1/2 cup Zulkâ Sugâr or grânulâted sugâr
· 2 lârge eggs
· 2 teâspoons vânillâ extrâct
· 1 bâg Ghirârdelli Semisweet Chocolâte Chips + 1 cup Ghirârdelli Mini Chocolâte Chips
1. Preheât the oven to 350°F. Line â 13x18 sheet pân with pârchment pâper, sprâying the pârchment with non-stick cooking sprây. Set âside.
2. In ânother lârge bowl, using ân electric mixer ât medium speed, beât together the butter, ând sugârs âbout 2 minutes ând is smooth.
3. visitâte Chip Cookie Bârs for â Crowd for full recipe