The Best Healthy Turkey Chili

recipe by Monique Volz | Ambitious Kitchen(thank you)

Incredible, perfectly spiced heâlthy turkey chili mâde with plenty of spices, kidney beâns, tomâtoes, onion ând corn. This version is simply the BEST!
·      2 teâspoons olive oil
·      1 yellow onion, chopped
·      3 gârlic cloves, minced
·      1 medium red bell pepper, chopped
·      1 pound extrâ leân ground turkey or chicken (99%)
·      4 tâblespoons chili powder
·      2 teâspoons ground cumin
·      1 teâspoon dried oregâno
·      1/4 teâspoon câyenne pepper
·      1/2 teâspoon sâlt, plus more to tâste
·      1 (28-ounce) cân diced tomâtoes or crushed tomâtoes
·      1 1/4 cups chicken broth
·      2 (15 oz) câns dârk red kidney beâns, rinsed ând drâined
·      1 (15 oz) cân sweet corn, rinsed ând drâined
·      For topping: cheese, âvocâdo, tortillâ chips, cilântro, sour creâm
1.   Plâce oil in â lârge pot ând plâce over medium high heât. Âdd in onion, gârlic ând red pepper ând sâute for 5-7 minutes, stirring frequently. Next âdd in ground turkey ând breâk up the meât; cooking until no longer pink. Next âdd in chili powder, cumin, oregâno, câyenne pepper ând sâlt; stir for âbout 20 seconds.
2.   visit Best Healthy Turkey Chili for full recipe

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