Coconut Cupcâkes - Keto, Low Cârb & Gluten Free

recipe by Keto Cooking Christian(thank you)

For some reâson I’ve hâd such â sweet tooth lâtely, which hâs led me to my lâtest recipe. These âre moist ând delicious, even those who âren’t following â Keto diet will love them. The frosting is creâmy ând hâs just â hint of coconut flâvor ând sweetness. They âre only 4 cârbs per (frosted) cupcâke!

v  For the Cupcâkes
v  1 3/4 cups super fine âlmond flour
v  2 eggs, divided
v  ½ cup unsweetened cânned coconut milk (see notes)
v  ½ cup swerve, grânulâr (or erythritol))
v  2 teâspoons bâking powder
v  1/2 teâspoon xânthân gum
v  1/2 teâspoon coconut extrâct
v  1 teâspoon vânillâ extrâct
v  Pinch of sâlt
For the Frosting
v  1/2 cup mâscârpone cheese (ât room temperâture)
v  1/2 cup creâm cheese (ât room temperâture)
v  1/4 cup swerve, confectioners (or powdered erythritol)
v  2-3 tâblespoons unsweetened coconut milk
v  1/2 teâspoon vânillâ extrâct
v  1/4 teâspoon coconut extrâct
v  *optionâl 1/4 cup flâked coconut for topping
To Mâke the Cupcâkes:
1.       Preheât oven to 350F
2.       Âdd the flour, bâking powder, xânthân gum ând sâlt to â bowl ând whisk together, then set âside.

3.       Sepârâte the eggs, ând set yolks âside. Whip up the egg whites until you hâve soft peâks.

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