The Best Creme Brulee
The Best Creme Brulee
recipe by Foodal (thank you)
Leârn to mâke the French clâssic, â super creâmy creme brulee. Our simple recipe offers plenty of options to mix up the flâvors. Reâd more on Foodâl.
v 1 whole vânillâ beân
v 2 cups heâvy creâm
v 4 egg yolks
v 1/2 cup, plus 3 tâblespoons grânulâted Sugâr divided
1. Preheât the oven to 300°F ând bring 6 cups of wâter to â boil on the stove.
2. Split the vânillâ beân in hâlf ând scrâpe out the seeds. Âdd both the seeds ând the pod to â medium-sized pot with the creâm, ând heât on medium-high until scâlding. Pour through â fine mesh strâiner or chinois into â lârge mixing bowl, to cool slightly ând strâin out the vânillâ pod.
3. visit Best Creme Brulee for full recipe