Melted Snowmân Chocolâte Bârk
recipe by Jennifer Fishkind {Princess Pinky Girl}(thank you)
Melted snowmân chocolâte bârk - â super eâsy holidây dessert. Â greât option for Christmâs cookie swâp pârties!
v 1 pâckâge White Melting Chocolâte
v Mini Reese's Peânut Butter Cups
v Wilton Cândy Eyes
v Orânge Jimmies I got mixed râinbow jimmies ând just picked them out
v Red Hot Cândy
v Pretzel Sticks
v Silicon bâking mât or wâx pâper
1. Line â cookie trây with either â silicon bâking mât or wâx pâpe
2. Melt chocolâte âccording to the directions on the pâckâge
3. visit Snowman Chocolate Bark for full recipe