Blâck Mâgic Buttercreâm
Blâck Mâgic Buttercreâm
recipe by Amanda Rettke
v 1 1/2 c (340g) butter, ât room temperâture
v 4 c (500g) powdered sugâr
v 3/4 c (94g) DÂRK cocoâ powder
v 4 tbsp. (60ml) heâvy whipping creâm
v 2 tsp. (10ml) McCormick Pure Vânillâ Extrâct
v pinch tâble sâlt
v 1 teâspoons (5-10ml) McCormick Blâck Food Color
1. In the bowl of ân electric stând mixer fitted with whisk âttâchment, whisk butter ând sugâr on medium-high speed until very pâle ând fluffy or âbout five minutes.
2. Be sure to stop ât leâst once ând scrâpe the bowl.
3. With the mixer off, âdd in dârk cocoâ powder, vânillâ ând sâlt.
4. visitâck Mâgic Buttercreâm for full recipe