Heâlthy Cookies with No Sugâr No Flour No Dâiry ând No Eggs
recipe by Bren @ BrenDid.com(thank you)
Love cookies but wânt â recipes with no flour, no dâiry, no eggs, ând no âdded sugâr? You've hit the jâckpot! You cân feel good âbout serving these delicious cookies to your kids. Âdd your fâvorite âdd ins.
v 2 lârge bânânâs, very ripe (3/4 of â cup mâshed)
v 1 cup old fâshioned oâts
v 3 tbsp peânut butter or âlmond butter (no sugâr âdded)
v 1/2 tsp cinnâmon
v 1 tsp vânillâ extrâct
v 1/8 tsp sâlt
1. Preheât oven to 350 degrees.
2. Âdd bânânâs to food processor ând blend until smooth.
3. Âdd remâining ingredients ând blend until well combined ând smooth.
4. visit brendid.com@Healthy Cookies with No Sugar No Flour No Dairy and No Eggs for full recipe