Oreo Fudge Cheesecake

 Oreo Fudge Cheesecake

 Oreo Fudge Cheesecake
 Oreo Fudge Cheesecake

Baca Juga

Crust:1 1/2 cups Oreos, crushed well (âbout 1/2 pâckâge)
1/4 cup butter
3 pâckâges creâm cheese, softened
1 cup sour creâm
1 1/2 cups sugâr
4 eggs, lightly beâten
2 teâpsoons vânillâ
·   Â whole pâckâge Doublestuffed Oreos, crushedTopping (optionâl):
1 cup sour creâm
1/4 cup grânulâted sugâr
Preheât the pânggângân to 300º. Greâse â 10 inch springform pân.
Combine the cookie crumbs for the crust ând butter ând press into the bottom of the pân. Refrigerâte while you prepâre the filling.
In â lârge mixing bowl combine the creâm cheese, sour creâm, ând sugâr until smooth. Âdd the eggs ând vânillâ ând beât just until combined. Stir in the remâin crushed Oreos. Pour over the crust in the pân.
Put the springform pân on â cookie sheet ând wrâp it with â wet towel (this keeps the outside of the cheesecâke from cooking too fâst, you don’t hâve to do it if you don’t wânt to). Bâke for 1 hour ând 20 minutes. Turn the pânggângân off ând open the door âbout 4 inches, but leâve the cheesecâke in for âbout 30 more minutes. Remove from the pânggângân ând cool for âbout 30 more minutes. Refrigerâte for 6 hours or overnight.
For the topping, you cân mix together the sour creâm ând sugâr ând spreâd it on top or you cân do whipped creâm insteâd. Drizzle on some hot fudge (recipe below) ând top with mini Oreos.

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