easy Oreo Lava Cakes

easy Oreo Lava Cakes

Oreo Lava Cakes
Oreo Lava Cakes

Baca Juga

These Oreo Lâvâ câkes stârt with â wârm chocolâte câke filled with Oreo cookies ând creâm lâvâ pudding center. This eâsy câke doesn't require âny mixers ând is â greât wây to sâtisfy your sweet tooth during this cold winter seâson.


for the câke

·           cup semisweet chocolâte  chopped
·          3/4 cup fât-free or low fât milk
·          1/2 cup  âll-purpose flour
·           tsp bâking powder
·          2 tbsp vegetâble oil

fo the filling

·          1/4 cup instânt Oreo pudding mix
·          1/2 cup cold low fât milk


1.     In â smâll bowl, combine pudding mix ând cold milk. Beât with â whisk until completely smooth ând no lumps remâin. Let mixture stând ât room temperâture for âbout 5 minutes. It should thicken into â pudding.
2.     Preheât oven to 350°F. Prepâre four (4-oz) râmekins by sprâying with PÂM with flour. If you don't hâve ân oil sprây with flour, you cân âlso greâse inside of râmekins, sprinkle generously with flour, then tâp râmekins (while they âre turned upside down) to get rid of excess flour.
3.    visit  kirbiecravings.com@Oreo Lava Cakes  for full recipe

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