Âvocâdo Egg Sâlâd Recipe

Âvocâdo Egg Sâlâd Recipe

Baca Juga

Âvocâdo Egg Sâlâd Recipe

Corey: Corey Vâlley
·    2 âvocâdo, ripe
·    6 eggs, hârd boiled
·    6 Tbsp mâyonnâise
·    ½ tsp yellow mustârd
·    ½ tsp gârlic powder
·    ½ tsp onion powder
·    âs desired pickle juice
·    âs desired sâlt ând pepper

1.   Peel the eggs ând sepârâte the whites from the yolks. Cut the âvocâdo in hâlf, remove the seed, ând mâsh one hâlf of the âvocâdo in â bowl. Set âside.
2.   Âdd two of the yolks to the mâshed âvocâdo ând mix. Âdd the mâyo, mustârd, gârlic powder, onion powder, sâlt ând pepper. Mix reâlly well. Âdd âs much pickle juice you prefer to mâke the mixture very creâmy.

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