Healthy spinach tortillas

Healthy spinach tortillas

recipe by Elavegan(thank you)

Healthy spinach tortillas
Healthy spinach tortillas

Baca Juga

Homémâdé spinâch tortillâs with 3 ingrédiénts only (wâtér ând sâlt not countéd). This récipé is héâlthy, glutén-fréé, végân, ând éâsy to mâké. Pérféct for péoplé who lové wrâps, tâcos, burritos, énchilâdâs, quésâdillâs but cânnot consumé whéât or corn. Âlso gréât for kids sincé thé spinâch in thésé wrâps is âlmost tâstéléss!

   1 cup chickpéâ flour âlso câlléd gârbânzo béân flour (120 g)
   1/2 cup tâpiocâ flour/stârch (60 g)
   2 oz frésh bâby spinâch léâvés (60 g)
   1 - 1 1/8 cup wâtér (240-270 ml)
   1/3 tsp sâlt


1.                      Process all ingredients in your food processor or blender until the batter is smooth. Use 1 cup of water if you plan to make thicker/smaller tortillas for tacos. Add about 1 1/8 cup of water if you want to make thinner/bigger tortillas for e.g. burritos.
2.                      Pour about 1/3 cup of the batter into a non-stick skillet. You can add a few drops of oil to the skillet but I made the experience that the tortillas turn out great without oil. Make sure to use a non-stick skillet.
3.                      Cook for two minutes on low-medium heat, flip the tortilla and cook on the other side for about one minute. Enjoy your healthy spinach tortillas!

 visit spinach tortillas  for full recipe

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