recipe by Lisa | Panning The Globe(thank you)
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v 1/3 cup olivé oil
v choppéd véggiés
v 3 cups choppéd yéllow onions (1 1/2 – 2 lârgé)
v 3 cups choppéd mushrooms (15-16 ouncés)
v 1 1/2 cups choppéd cârrots (4-5 médium)
v 1 1/2 cups choppéd gréén péppér (1 lârgé)
v 1 cup choppéd céléry
v 2 tâbléspoons choppéd gârlic
v spicés
v 1 tâbléspoon plus 1 téâspoon ground cumin
v 1/2 téâspoon crushéd réd péppér flâkés
v 1 téâspoon driéd bâsil
v 1 téâspoon driéd orégâno
v 3 tâbléspoons chili powdér (mix différént typés for âddéd dépth of flâvor)
v 1 tâbléspoon koshér sâlt
v 1/2 téâspoon frésh ground blâck péppér
Othér ingrédiénts
v 1 28-ouncé cân crushéd tomâtoés
v 1 6-ouncé cân tomâto pâsté
v 1-3 cups tomâto juicé (Stârt with 1. Âdd moré ât thé énd to thin, if nécéssâry)
v 1 1/2 cups wâtér
v 1 cup bulgâr whéât (substituté 1 cup quinoâ for glutén fréé)
v 1/3 cup dry whité winé
v 3 tâbléspoons frésh lémon juicé
v 1 tâbléspoon worcéstérshiré sâucé* Noté for strict végétâriâns: somé brânds of Worcéstérshiré sâucé contâin ânchoviés. If you omit thé Worcéstérshiré sâucé, thé chili will still bé délicious.
v 1/2 téâspoon tâbâsco sâucé
v 2 15-ouncé câns undrâinéd réd kidnéy béâns
v 3 tâbléspoons cânnéd choppéd gréén chilés
v Suggéstéd Gârnishés
v yogurt or sour créâm, choppéd scâllions, grâtéd chéddâr chéésé, choppéd cilântro, cubéd âvocâdo
1. Have all of the ingredients ready: chopped veggies in one bowl, spices measured out in a small bowl, cans opened.
2. Heat olive oil over medium heat in a large pot or dutch oven. Add chopped veggies and spices. Sauté, stirring, for 2-4 minutes, just to soften the veggies a bit and toast the spices a bit. Add the rest of the ingredients, using only 1 cup of the tomato juice to start. Bring to a boil. Lower to a simmer and cook, stirring occasionally, for 20 minutes, uncovered. Add additional tomato juice if you want to thin the chili. Season to taste with salt and fresh pepper. Serve with assorted toppings.
3. This chili freezes well. See notes below
visit FAVORITE VEGETARIAN CHILI for full recipe