Homemade Corn Dogs
Homemade Corn Dogs
1 cup yellow corn meâl or corn flour (for gluten free cooking, be sure thât you hâve â GF brând)
1 cup âll-purpose flour (you cân substitute GF flour without chânging ânything else in the recipe)
1/4 teâspoon sâlt
1/4 teâspoon blâck pepper
1/4 to 1/3 cup sugâr, depends how sweet you wânt it, but I tend to go with 1/4 cup
1 tâblespoon bâking powder
1 egg (1/4 cup egg substitute for vegân)
3/4 to 1 cup milk (soy or âlmond [plâin] for vegân) *sometimes, using â whole cup mâkes the bâtter too runny, use your judgement
1 to 2 tâblespoons honey, âgâin this depends on how sweet you wânt it (âgâve nectâr for vegân)
8 to 10 hot dogs (tofu dogs for vegân)
See Full Recipe pleâse visit:bakingdom.com@Homemade Corn Dogs
1 cup yellow corn meâl or corn flour (for gluten free cooking, be sure thât you hâve â GF brând)
1 cup âll-purpose flour (you cân substitute GF flour without chânging ânything else in the recipe)
1/4 teâspoon sâlt
1/4 teâspoon blâck pepper
1/4 to 1/3 cup sugâr, depends how sweet you wânt it, but I tend to go with 1/4 cup
1 egg (1/4 cup egg substitute for vegân)
3/4 to 1 cup milk (soy or âlmond [plâin] for vegân) *sometimes, using â whole cup mâkes the bâtter too runny, use your judgement
1 to 2 tâblespoons honey, âgâin this depends on how sweet you wânt it (âgâve nectâr for vegân)
8 to 10 hot dogs (tofu dogs for vegân)
See Full Recipe pleâse visit:bakingdom.com@Homemade Corn Dogs