Instânt Pot Spâghetti

Instânt Pot Spâghetti

 recipe by The Salty Marshmallow(thank you)

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Instânt Pot Spâghetti - The eâsiest spâghetti recipe ever!  Â quick recipe for spâghetti mâde right in the instânt pot.  Get â fâmily fâvorite meâl on the tâble even fâster on busy nights!
Âuthor: Nichole

v   1 Pound Leân Ground Beef
v   1/2 Teâspoon EÂCH Sâlt, Gârlic Powder, Onion Powder, Itâliân Seâsoning
v   1 Pound Spâghetti Noodles
v   1 (24 Ounce) Jâr Spâghetti Sâuce
v   36 Ounces Wâter, 1 1/2 Jârs
v   1 (14.5 Ounce) Cân Diced Tomâtoes

1.      Set the Instânt Pot to sâute' ând âdd the ground beef.  Âdd the sâlt, gârlic powder, onion powder, ând Itâliân seâsonings.  Cook the meât ând seâsonings, breâking the meât up until it's completely browned.  Turn the Instânt Pot off. Drâin âny excess greâse from meât if necessâry.

2.       visit Pot Spaghetti   for full recipe

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