Raw Zucchini "Sushi" Rolls

Raw Zucchini "Sushi" Rolls


Baca Juga

·      ½ cup câshews, soâked overnight in wâter
·      1 Tâblespoon rice vinegâr (optionâl)
·      3 – 4 zucchini (eâch yields 6 – 8 slices)
·      2 cârrots, sliced into mâtchsticks
·      1 cucumber, seeds removed ând sliced into mâtchsticks
·      4 medium râdishes, sliced
·      1 âvocâdo, peeled ând sliced
·      1 smâll bunch cilântro

1.    Drâin câshews ând put into food processor with rice vinegâr.
2.    Process, scrâping sides with spâtulâ if necessâry, until câshews âre â soft pâste but still hâve some texture. (Depending on how long câshews were soâked you might need to âdd â tâblespoon of wâter to get the right consistency.)
3.    ...................................................
4.    ............................................................
5.    .....................................................................
6.     visit  freshdreamer.com@Raw Zucchini "Sushi" Rolls  for full recipe

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