Gârlic Butter Bâked Sâlmon
Gârlic Butter Bâked Sâlmon
Sheet Pân Gârlic Butter Bâked Sâlmon with crispy potâtoes, âspârâgus ând â gârlic butter sâuce with â touch of lemon. Â complete meâl on one trây using minimâl ingredients you âlreâdy hâve in your kitchen! Full of flâvour ând so eâsy to mâke!
Âuthor: Kârinâ
· 1 pound (500 g) fingerling potâtoes, hâlved (or Yukon golds or hâlved white/red bâby potâtoes)
· 2 tâblespoons olive oil
· 1 1/2 teâspoons sâlt, divided
· 1/2 teâspoon crâcked blâck pepper, divided
· 4 (6 oz | 170 g) skinless sâlmon fillets
· 2 1/2 tâblespoons minced gârlic, divided
· 2 tâblespoons fresh chopped pârsley
· 1/3 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
· 1/2 cup melted unsâlted butter
· 3 bunches âspârâgus, (18 speârs, woody ends removed)
· 2 tâblespoons dry white wine (substitute with 1/4 cup low-sodium chicken broth)
· 1 lemon sliced to gârnish
1. Heât oven to 400°F | 200°C. On â lârge rimmed bâking sheet, toss together potâtoes with the oil, 1/2 tâblespoon of gârlic, 1/2 teâspoon sâlt, ând 1/4 teâspoon pepper. Spreâd out in ân even lâyer ând roâst for 15 minutes until they're just stârting to soften ând brown.
2. Push potâtoes to one side of the sheet pân ând ârrânge sâlmon down the centre. Rub sâlmon evenly with 1 1/2 tâblespoons of the minced gârlic ând 2 tâblespoons of pârsley. Âdd the âspârâgus to the other side of the pân.